Better Chef IM-811R 5 Speed Red Turbo Mixer

This can be a MUST HAVE product !!
Better Chef IM-811R 5 Speed Red Turbo Mixer
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Product Description

Better Chef IM-811R 5 Speed Red Turbo Mixer

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #354284 in Home
  • Brand: Better Chef IM-811R 5 Speed Red Turbo Mixer
  • Model: MGDSIM-811R
  • Dimensions: 3.00 pounds


  • Better Chef IM-811R 5 Speed Red Turbo Mixer

Customer Reviews

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
By R. A. Odefey
We have a perfectly serviceable GRAY mixer. She-who-rules wanted RED!!! This item has been a pleasant surprise. It not only works well, in every task it has been assigned, but is aesthetically pleasing as well.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
By Bernadette Richards
Bought it for myself for Christmas.. I absolutely love it..I would recommend this mixer to anyone and of course the color makes all the difference!!! LOL!!!


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